Mark Maclure

Managing Director

We caught up with Mark to find out what a normal week looks like for him, what his role in the business entails, and to ask him some random personal questions!

Mark Maclure

I am one of the co-founders of Stream Loyalty, alongside Melanie. We started the business in 2009 after many years in event communications (internal conferences, sales incentives etc). 

My career started in the City as a broker (equity broking, analysis and corporate finance) which gave me a great grounding in being able to read a balance sheet and, importantly, understanding what makes businesses tick. It is this that has shaped my interest in helping clients to perform and grow – which is ultimately what loyalty helps enable. 

My favourite activity is networking, and understanding how to best deploy loyalty to solve our clients’ problems.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, drop me an email or just give me a call on 01844 208180.

Marks Favourites

Favourite Drink

Now picking just one favourite drink is hard, as it very much depends on the time of day; so here are my favourites:

Morning: Fresh roasted black coffee in the morning is hard to beat.

Daytime: Water – essential for mind, body and soul. When I lived in Scotland our water came straight off the hill, filtered only by stones – you could actually chew it! Delicious

Evening: Gin and tonic – but not those flavoured ones – traditional Tanquery and normal tonic.

Favourite Travel Destination

Having sailed half-way round the world (from Australia to the Mediterranean) I have seen some beautiful locations and stunning desert islands.

But my favourite is South Africa – it truly is “a world in one country”. From the African “veldt” in the north (home to the game parks that speak old Africa) to the more Mediterranean-like climate of Cape Town. I am biased as my mother was born here (and my grandfather was the Bishop of Zululand) Taking the Garden Route from Cape Town north is divine.

Favourite TV Show

I always seem to be out and about, whether that be networking for the business, playing real tennis, cycling or out with friends, so I don’t have much time for TV.  

I can’t immediately recall a favourite – I always say the news is my favourite tv programme and some sport and the occasional film. 

I guess I do occasionally watch a period drama, as we make those well here in the UK – if I had to choose, I’d go for Peaky Blinders, as the most recent favourite.

Favourite Hobby

That would have to be Real Tennis. This is the ancient precursor to Lawn Tennis and originated centuries ago in France. It is played on an indoor court with walls and sloping cloisters-style roofs, and a central net dividing the court. It can also lay claim to hosting the oldest world championship competition of any sport. 

Played by only around 12,000 players and with only 44 courts in the world, it probably does qualify as a hobby as well as a sport!! I can lay claim to being ranked in the top 500 or so in the world, so it must be eclectic!!

Favourite Podcast

I’m not a prolific listener of podcasts but my two favourites are:

  • The Loyalty Podcast – where New World Loyalty invite guest speakers to talk about all things loyalty. I joined Iain Pringle and the team on one the sessions talking on B2B loyalty - listen to the podcast here )
  • The 15 Minute VC – hosted by Harry Stebbings (son of a schoolmate) this featuresd interviews with a huge range of entrepreneurs and influencers – and gets nearly 10m downloads a month!!

Idols/ Heroes

Here are a few people I admire greatly:

  • Steven Covey - His 7 Habits are great guidelines to follow in life.
  • Nelson Mandela - A truly great man in so many ways, but his greatest skill was his ability to forgive.
  • Desmond Tutu - Another great man - he was also a great friend of my grandparents!
  • Roger Federer - A phenomenal sportsman who, although fiercely competitive and highly focused on success, possesses the wonderful quality of modesty.

A Typical Week

Basically, keeping busy doing all of the following:

  • Networking, networking, networking
  • Client meetings
  • Internal meetings
  • Sales calls
  • Researching prospect customers
  • Seeking out new sectors and opportunities
  • Generating new leads
  • Writing proposals
  • Managing finances
  • Analysing spreadsheets
  • Planning and strategising the bigger picture
  • Playing sport
  • Cycling
  • Tinkering with vintage MGB

Repeat till fade!

What gets you out of bed?

Work and sport – you have to love what you do, and you have to have a degree of competitiveness to keep you honest and focused. Having been in the driving seat of several businesses over the years, it would be hard not to work for myself and have the same level of drive; in fact I’m now probably unemployable!

What keeps you up at night?

A lot. When you run a business you never really relax as there is always something to worry about and opportunities to consider and ruminate over. I spend a lot of time thinking and unfortunately that does keep me up, so I probably don’t get enough sleep!

LoyaltyStream Key Features

  • 21 loyalty campaign types to suit every business
  • Options to deploy gamification campaigns such as Spin-To-Win and Prize Draws as well as Badges
  • Ability to track and reward all behaviours from transactions to actions
  • In-depth visual analytics and insights on Campaigns, Members, actions and transactions
  • Customisable CRM and segmentation options to suit your Member profile
  • Scalable modular SaaS platform that can grow with your business


Contact Us:

+44 (0)1844 208180

Carter House, Chilton Business Centre, Chilton, Buckinghamshire, HP18 9LS

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