With more software and solutions in play than ever before, the importance of a seamless user experience (UX) across all platforms is vital. The customer expects to see an affinity between the different offerings and the core brand and its personality.
The introduction of a loyalty programme provides a number of additional channels of engagement and communication,
and customers expect their experience to remain the same across the different channels. A loyalty programme often takes on a identity of its own, and the importance of the UX flow between the programme and the brand’s other channels is ever prevalent to ensuring that consistency and company values are represented and, importantly, united.
The UI (user interface design) plays a vital role in the UX (user experience); it leaves the lasting impression of the product or programme but the UX design should go far deeper below the surface of the visual design to consider the function too.
At Stream Loyalty, we help take the stress out of the programme design. To get a programme UX right, you must
first understand the people: the users’ needs, their wants, their behaviours (current and desired) and the context in which they are interacting with the programme. Through our ‘Inside Out Model’ and customer journey mapping workshops, you are able to gain a snapshot of where you are currently and the desired customer journey, understanding the value of data and the triggers for internal stakeholders.
From a UI perspective, Stream Loyalty can assist you, either working with your existing creative partner or utilising our inhouse design team, to easily deploy your programme’s visual design onto the front-end platform, through our easy-to-use site configuration wizards. These allow you to retain consistent visuals and UI elements throughout the site, whilst threading the continuity of your brand through to your programme.
The standard front-end page structures have been designed to take complexity away, ensuring that only the most relevant information is displayed to the member. Drawing on years of experience of designing programmes across business sectors, the functionality ensures that there is always a clear call to action which is designed to focus the member on the right behaviour change. Designed in a structured format that anyone within your team can configure, and importantly without any technical knowledge(!), it allows the flexibility to personalise the content, design and look and feel to meet the business needs.