Loyalty Consultancy - Our Ethos

First and foremost, we are interested in adding value to your business. Our loyalty consultancy offering seeks first to understand: your business, your sector, your audiences and your challenges. This then allows us to view your situation both from your shoes and from the shoes of your customers (and even your staff).

We then use our knowledge and experience of the loyalty landscape, gleaned from our work with multiple businesses across a wide variety of sectors, to explore your challenges and opportunities and to help shape some potential solutions.

We always begin with the end in mind, looking ahead to where any initial solution might ultimately progress – this then ensures that any activity undertaken has the scope to evolve and develop further towards a potential future end goal. Our experience shows that with loyalty, evolution is a necessity, not just a potential wish.

How We Can Help

If you are unsure where to begin with loyalty (but know that it is needed), then one starting point is to begin with an initial loyalty consultancy project.

We will host a session with your key stakeholders involving a deep dive on your business, your customer base, the current statistics and the opportunity for driving more loyal customers. This then leads into a brainstorm on the What, Why, How and When.

Following this session we prepare a consultation paper outlining the potential opportunities and the possible next steps for you to consider and enact.

If this feels too big a step then we also run a regular Loyalty Lunch and Learn session where we can discuss your challenges and give some initial feedback

Loyalty Consultancy Sessions

Our 45 minute free Loyalty Consultancy session is perfect for those companies wishing to re-assess their current programme or wanting some direction on where to start with loyalty.

Our loyalty experts love a challenge so why not give us 45 minutes of your day to see if we can give you some insights on how to bring your loyalty aims to life.

What do we get out of giving free Loyalty Consultancy sessions? Every time we discuss a loyalty challenge we improve our knowledge, our advice and our problem solving skills, all of which are vital to the work we do and the service we provide.

Book a free 45 minute session with one of our expert consultants using the form below.

Request a Loyalty Consultancy Session

We believe you should never stop learning and we love testing our consultancy team to keep them on their toes. This free 45 minute loyalty lunch and learn session gives companies the opportunity to ask any questions they may have about loyalty and our team will provide some advice and recommendations. There is no sales pitch and no ulterior motive. 

If you enjoy the session then you can subscribe to our monthly newsletter which features articles and tips and tricks you can use in your business to assist your loyalty strategy.

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Loyalty Consultancy Case Study

Online Retailer

Two of our loyalty experts met with their leadership team to discuss the loyalty challenges they were facing, which included not getting enough repeat customers.

One suggestion we had was rewarding order frequency  alongside running a surprise and delight campaign that would encourage customers to return to their website and continue purchasing more frequently.

We caught up with team to see what had happened since the Loyalty Clinic; we were really pleased to hear that they had launched their loyalty card scheme and they are now sending out regular communications to their customers to keep them updated about upcoming releases. They were also starting to profile their customers so that they could personalise the conversations.

Loyalty Consultancy Case Study

Accountancy Firm

The company had just undertaken an extensive transformation programme into a fully digital business working solely with QuickBooks clients. Their challenge was how to move more customers “up” the tiers (to take higher value services) and also how to acquire more clients who would see the value of insights and view their accountants as a benefit (rather than a cost).

Our recommendation was to create a journey story of the business’ transformation to date, highlighting the power of digital and the insights available to customers via digital. We then suggested that Majors should map out the ideal journey of a customer as they “climb” the service tiers and at the same time determine what would motivate customers to take that journey and buy more services. We also suggested segmenting customers to enable a focus on their VIP customers and how they could encourage them to become brand ambassadors and refer their contacts.

Loyalty Journey

Our aim is to work with you and take you on a journey to Loyalty Maturity. What do we mean by this?

Well, true Loyalty Maturity comes when you have embedded customer loyalty at the heart of your company culture. This doesn’t happen overnight unless your culture is already shaped in that way, but it is important to remember that loyalty begins from within (happy staff breed happy customers)

So, it begins with understanding the importance of loyalty and customer retention, creating a strategy for loyalty, starting to implement loyalty, and then builds from there.

Almost without exception, our clients are on some variant of a loyalty journey. Where we began with each of them has continuously evolved. Some have reached Loyalty Maturity (and are running globally implemented loyalty programmes), and others are still in the evolution and progression stages.

Loyalty: Back to Basics

View Document

Loyalty Maturity

View Document

LoyaltyStream Key Features

  • 21 loyalty campaign types to suit every business
  • Options to deploy gamification campaigns such as Spin-To-Win and Prize Draws as well as Badges
  • Ability to track and reward all behaviours from transactions to actions
  • In-depth visual analytics and insights on Campaigns, Members, actions and transactions
  • Customisable CRM and segmentation options to suit your Member profile
  • Scalable modular SaaS platform that can grow with your business


Contact Us:

+44 (0)1844 208180


Carter House, Chilton Business Centre, Chilton, Buckinghamshire, HP18 9LS

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