
Power BI - Wednesday Wisdom

Today’s Wednesday Wisdom’s subject was on Power BI, A Microsoft application for business intelligence and interactive visual reporting. We were shown how to import multiple data files from Excel into Power BI, how to create relationships between this data and then how to manipulate the data. The outcome of this was an aesthetically pleasing and accurate report based on one of Stream’s past campaigns. 

As said previously this report was interactive, meaning that you could click on a subject on that report and drill down to see all the information available. For instance, one of the pages of the report create was all about the rewards that were redeemed in this past campaign. What you could is click on a specific reward that you want to spotlight and instantly the rest of the page will shift from reporting on all rewards to just reporting on the reward spotlighted. This is great for identifying the best preforming rewards. 

Further to this report we were shown some ‘outside the box’ ways to utilise the functions of Power BI in the form of Stream’s Helpdesk management. In this Power BI deck, we will soon be able to answer any helpdesk query simply by answering a few questions using a simple, easy to use, flowchart that can lead anyone to the answer of any helpdesk query.

We look forward to seeing what else Power BI can do for us here at Stream. 

About the Author

Drew Tate

Drew Tate

Drew has very strong problem-solving skills and the charisma to match. His thirst for knowledge means he spends lots of time researching industry best practices and new ideas to make sure he is ahead of the curve.


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LoyaltyStream Key Features

  • 21 loyalty campaign types to suit every business
  • Options to deploy gamification campaigns such as Spin-To-Win and Prize Draws as well as Badges
  • Ability to track and reward all behaviours from transactions to actions
  • In-depth visual analytics and insights on Campaigns, Members, actions and transactions
  • Customisable CRM and segmentation options to suit your Member profile
  • Scalable modular SaaS platform that can grow with your business


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