
Team Quiz - Wednesday Wisdom

All Streamies have worked their socks off so far this month and have already started churning out some great results only 26 days into this year!

So, I felt it was time to reward them with a fun Wednesday Wisdom session, titled ‘Nairne’s Pop Culture Quiz 2022’. Being the youngest member of the team, I was worried when I started at Stream I would be seen as the ‘baby’ of the office but thankfully I have never felt that way at Stream (apart from when I got surprised with a life size cut out of Niall Horan (One Direction Member) last year and cried an awful lot, which everyone in the team found hilarious).

However, one thing I do find is that no one else in the office is as excited as me when I find out about a new celebrity scandal. Instead, I am often greeted with looks of confusion when I read the latest TMZ News update out with excitement, no matter how many times I have explained the age order of the Kardashian/Jenner clan I still get questioned on it! Hence why I wanted to test the team’s knowledge of who had really been listening to me over the past year when I have delivered them the news of the new Kardashian show or when Harry Styles announced a stadium tour just last week!

With my time at Stream coming to an end I wanted to leave safe in the knowledge that the team had all the gossip they needed to ensure that the next time they are doing a family quiz they can answer the Pop Culture category with confidence.

About the Author

Nairne Barker

Nairne Barker

Nairne began her career with Stream in March 2020 gaining unparalleled experience in the loyalty space. She is on a mission to use her wealth of knowledge to educate others.


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